Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Paw-sible Theory

Hello, all hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July🎆
We had a hectic time, our dog Diesel 103lbs.didn't like the noise.
He was pacing and hard to keep calm. Have you ever tried to keep a puppy as big as yourself calm, not easy to say the leastđŸ˜±
I'm been training for the cozy readathon, in doing so Cozy Cat Press kindly sent me a PDF of A PAW-SIBLE THEORY - ANNA KERN for a honest review. Let me just say this definitely got me in the cozy training mood, this is a gem of a book. Here's the synopsis: When Ethan Hille discovers his mother Alyx slumped over her kitchen table, bleeding profusely from a gash in her head, he suspects foul play. Who would want to hurt Alyx? Surely, her three cats––two small females, Misty and Pooky, and the old master, Murfy––couldn’t know, although they do seem very distressed over their mistress’s condition. The police investigator, Detective Smarts, is immediately suspicious of Ethan, wondering if the young man bashed his mom in the head earlier and then left, only to return a short time later to “discover” the injured woman. Neighbors had heard mother and son arguing––ostensibly about Ethan’s spending habits. The evidence quickly mounts and, before Alyx recovers and is released from the hospital, Ethan has been accused of attempted murder and is sent to jail. Unfortunately, Alyx did not see her attacker and has no way to exonerate her son––or does she? Maybe if she’d just pay attention to “advice” from her cat Murfy, who is trying with all his might to tell her the real story of what happened––and what might yet happen––she might just save herself and her son. At least, that is one PAW-SIBLE THEORY.

This book  keep me guessing until the end. It had a strong who dun it element to it, which it a major plus for me (after all my favorite board game is CLUE) so it had the clue feel to it. I always felt the author maybe have been influenced by Carole Nelson Douglas  author of Midnight Louie mystery series with a mixture of Hercule Poirot  tone to the book if Poirot was a cat. I look forward to more of Murfy adventures. So to all mystery readers or cozy readathon participants check out Anna Kern
A Paw-sible Theory: A Murfy the Cat Mystery

This Book is a breathe of fresh air 4 out of 5 Stars

Thank You Patricia Rowell from Cozy Cat Press for the chance to review this book.

Until Next Time,
A Ferret's Novel Tale â˜ș


  1. This book sounds great will be adding it to my tbr list on Goodreads. Loved your review.

    1. Thank you so much for kind words. Check in any time. Thanks for participating in #saveourcozies #readathon
      Take Care,
