Friday, July 1, 2016

Hello, good morning or evening depending on where you live.I wanted to  do a short blog.
 They say smartphones are smart but I don't think so. my internet has been out for 2 days my company says that it's some kind of outage in our neighborhood and they're working on it. so I'm having to use data on my phone. it doesn't seem like phones do the same thing as computers least mine doesn't. please excuse grammar and punctuation errors. do to my disability I have to use speak text on my phone and my phone is not as smart as it thinks it is. when I try to tell it a punctuation it says the word instead of the symbol. so this blog is probably going to look very Elementary sorry for that. since my internet is down, I am not able to review a book Cozy Cat Press  kindly sent me a PDF, so without internet I cannot download it to my tablet right now. as soon as I can I will read it and review it. I hope everyone has a happy Fourth of July but please be safe.  To all the readers go cozy up with a book, maybe find a patriotic theme in cozy mystery. I couldn't get my twitter to link to my blog correctly. So for now I'll place it in this blog. Angie (@aferretsnovelta)

Signing Out,😸
A Ferret's Novel Tale🎆

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